Mass Effect, a popular science-fiction video game series developed by BioWare, has captivated gamers with its rich story and immersive universe. One of the central aspects of the game’s narrative is the interstellar governing body known as the Citadel Council. While the Council is meant to represent the pinnacle of galactic diplomacy and cooperation, it often comes across as frustratingly inept. In this blog post, we will explore the perceived stupidity of Mass Effect’s Council and its implications on the game’s storyline.

The Composition of the Council

The Citadel Council is composed of representatives from the Asari, Salarian, and Turian races. Each member is responsible for making decisions that impact the entire galaxy. However, despite their diverse backgrounds and expertise, the Council seems to suffer from a chronic lack of foresight and inability to adapt to new information.

Disregarding Crucial Information

Throughout the Mass Effect series, protagonist Commander Shepard uncovers evidence of an impending threat from an ancient machine race known as the Reapers. Despite presenting concrete evidence and eyewitness accounts, the Council consistently disregards Shepard’s warnings. Their stubborn refusal to heed Shepard’s advice ultimately results in catastrophic consequences for the galaxy.

Bureaucratic Inefficiency

The Council’s decision-making process is plagued by bureaucratic red tape and political maneuvering, often leading to delayed or ineffective responses to crises. This inefficiency is evident when they hesitate to support Shepard’s mission against Saren, a rogue Spectre agent, despite mounting evidence of his treachery.

Favoritism and Bias

The Council’s actions are often influenced by personal biases and favoritism. For example, they are quick to dismiss human concerns and withhold resources, while readily supporting the interests of their own races. This favoritism undermines the Council’s credibility as an impartial governing body.

Implications on the Storyline

The Council’s perceived stupidity serves a narrative purpose in Mass Effect. It highlights the flaws in galactic governance and emphasizes the need for individuals like Shepard to take matters into their own hands. As players progress through the series, they are challenged to make choices that have far-reaching consequences, often in spite of the Council’s ineptitude.


While the Citadel Council in Mass Effect is intended to represent a cooperative and wise governing body, their actions often come across as shortsighted and foolish. By examining their disregard for crucial information, bureaucratic inefficiency, and favoritism, we can better understand how their stupidity shapes the game’s storyline. Ultimately, the Council’s flaws serve to underscore the importance of individual action and decision-making in a universe fraught with danger and uncertainty.